Flow entry and exit options
david.fergusonDec 18, 2020
Allow control of if a person can enter a flow more than one time or multiple times.
Date ranges for flow to start/queue up a person (someone entering on a Sat is held because the flow runs mon-fri)
Would love that, in a flow, to be able to delineate that I want this track if added Monday-Friday 9am-7pm and this track if M-F 7pm-9am and this track anytime Saturday/Sunday?
Right now:
"Entered a segment" only triggers once which makes it very limiting.
Tags trigger multiple times. If you want it to trigger only once there are workaround ways to do it (ex. add an extra tag or a field that will work as a filter for next time).
An option to trigger once vs multiple (like you have on emails) would be the ideal and most flexible solution.