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See people details in flow steps
January 26, 2023

We just rolled out another important quality-of-life improvement for the flows. You can now see the people that have entered steps inside of your flows.

To do that, click on any flow step, then in the top right tabs select the person icon.

This People section shows a table of all people who:

  • Were previously on this step

  • Are currently on this step - primarily used for the Wait step to display people who are currently waiting

  • Failed on the step - it's possible that a step fails for some people

The people are displayed chronologically, with the latest people who entered the step at the top. You can view their name, email, and the time they entered the step. Clicking on a profile will take you to the person's profile.

Screenshot 2023-01-26 at 9.49.14 AM.png

Stay tuned for more updates coming up from us soon!

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See people details in flow steps
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